Thursday 26 June 2014

8 Reasons Why I Will Become A Victim Of Crime

1. I complain a lot
Out of the fear or frustration of crime, I complain to everyone that is willing to listen to me. They eventually tell me to change topics and this frustrates me even more so I go out and look for fresh ears to complain to. I let this fear and frustration consume my every though, each and every day. I actively contribute to other peoples' fears and frustrations and keep telling them about how bad things are; how no one does anything about it; how it used to be with the "other government"; that this country has gone to a ball of shyte, e-tolls this, and corruption that, etc.... It doesn't stop! As long as there is electricity (or not), it is an opportunity for me to complain! I fail to recognise that this constant negative consciousness - thinking, feeling, talking and doing of things negatively - will attract more of these negative elements in my life!
["This makes it better for the rest of us! The more negativity is attracted to you, the less will be attracted to me!"]

2. I don't take responsibility
Crime is not my problem! I pay my taxes (mostly) and I voted at the last elections, so it’s the government’s problem! The police and judicial system should handle it! I very rarely read, listen and comprehend the potential hazards that are around me, whether it's via the media, other people’s experienced, or through sources. I have more important things to do in my life, like earning a living, raising a family, and trying to achieve that next big house or car, or overseas trip! All these other aspirations are “more important” than the one thing that these aspirations are built upon - my own personal safety.
["With great power comes great responsibility. But I have the greatest power yet...I LIVE, hence I have the greatest responsibility to preserve it! Only once your own safety foundation is establish, can all other aspirations be accomplished.”]
3. I have become apathetic 
I don't care about the crime anymore. It is going to get us all anyway so why bother doing anything about it! Alternatively, I am so cocky enough to think, crime will never get me, I have become disconnected to the reality of the situation. Perhaps I have to disconnect so I don’t feel the fear or frustration anymore.  I am like a machine – cold and unemotional. Alternatively, I might have the "Ostrich syndrome" - if I ignore it, it will never get me. If it does find me, I will just use my natural skills to get me out of a situation (like using those ostrich wings to fly off or fend myself). My attitude is one where I don’t care or give a damm anymore.
["Evil will prevail unless good men and women stand up and fight against it."]

4. I am lazy
I don't take the necessary steps to become aware and avoid the potential criminal elements in my life. Furthermore, I don't believe in preparing adequately enough so I don't invest in effective security at my home or office, or personal security by training by body and mind for potentially life threatening situations. Besides, I carry a weapon - both a knife that I got as a gift at the last office party, which I occasionally whip out to cut biltong with, and I have a licensed firearm that I have stashed away in the safe for those just-in-case moments! I don't need to do any on-going training because I am just that kind of guy- I seen it once, and I can repeat it multiple times thereafter, word-for-word. Just don't ask me actually do it because its winter now and I have slacked off from the gym, dojo and shooting range for a bit because I'm cold, have a cold, or just warming up in front of the TV with a bag of crisps.
["There are enough couch-warriors in the world, willing to dish out their crisps of wisdom. We need REAL warriors!]

5. I already "know it all"
I have been to one 3-hour self defence course, a week-long of hardcore training course, and even used to train in the martial arts when I was younger! I have done it all before! As a matter of fact, I have done so much, I have the belts, certificates and photos to prove how much I have done in the past. I forgot to mention that I am a not as fit, young or handsome as I used to be. I even forgot to realise that criminals are getting smarter and more violent by the day and devising new ways to separate me from my hard-earned material possessions or my life!
["The fool laughed so loudly, that all the town-folk could not help but laugh at the fool who laughed so loudly!"]

6. I have an excuse (or two)
I don’t have the time to train. I can't even spare 30 mins a day to training in proper self defence training because it does not fit into my schedule. I am a busy person! Time is one of those things I have to reserve for my job, my family and my many social activities and hobbies! Furthermore, the venue is never ideal! It's too far and it takes time to travel to and from training several times a week. I don't have the money either because I spent in on physio fees from injuring myself the last time. Oh yes, and the injuries! I am not as young as I used to be and it just hurts opening up a tin of Pringles, which by the way, hurts my index finger. And now because I hurt my finger, I won't be able to make training for the next month or three. Also, did I mention it is winter? Winter is cold! I am sure the criminals will be keeping warm rather than attack me!
["There are excuses and there are results - It's mutually exclusive and can be applied in in all areas of life. Set your priorities, commit to them and stop making excuses!"]

7. I train incorrectly
I train, but my mind and heart isn't in it. I am still thinking of that last report I submitted to the manager and why the friggin project manager just can't cut through the bullshyt and get my project delivered on time! My body is doing the routine but really, I can multi-task and let my mind focus on something else. When I need to, I will switch on and train in some "activity" when I need to. 
["When you train, train like you mean it!"]

8.I forgot to enjoy life
I complain, worry, fear and get frustrated with all this crime around me. I take up training, not one or two various martial arts, combative arts, military warfare training and now I have become hyper-vigilant and extremely stressed out! I started off with the people around me, but have become so immersed in all the training I have actually become a fanatic and paranoid! I forgot what it feels like to relax and just spend time enjoying being with loved ones or doing the things that relax me. I spend so much time preparing for the worse in the future; I forgot to see the best that's happening right now in the present.
["Prepare for the worse, but not at the expense of your loved ones. After all, isn't that what we were prepared to protect in the first place?"]

These are my 8 reasons. What are yours? 

Till next time,  get EDUCATED, become EMPOWERED, and ultimately, live a positive and ENGAGED life...


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